Whether it's shopping online or at a traditional brick and mortar store, going to Google is often anyone's first instinct to find information to guide their purchase journey. Unfortunately, when it comes to finding recommendations for consumer tech products, the experience is often chaotic. There are endless top 10 lists and various reviews of individual products.
RecoRank's purpose is to address this problem and simplify the research process.
RecoRank is an aggregator of expert technology reviews. Reviews are collected from technology authority sites, such as PCMag, CNET, and Wired. RecoRank is designed to provide a Rotten Tomatoes-like experience to technology consumers by consolidating review scores and content - and ultimately helping them make faster purchase decisions.
RecoRank allows you to sort and filter based on price and rating. You can explore deeper into any product to see video reviews from YouTube, price history from camelcamelcamel, and snippets from each written review that contributes to the overall average score.
RecoRank uses custom automation to upload updates daily. Each day, RecoRank will find reviews for new and existing products, as well as the latest videos, pricing, and more.